Top 10 Ways You Know You’re Married to a Bamboo Fly Rod Maker

A moment with the maker and Veronica in the workshop.

1. He grew a beard because it looks “more professional”.

2. Your coat closet is a varnishing room.

3. Bamboo shavings are are regular accessory.

4. When you fill out any type of general questionnaire, there’s never a “bamboo fly rod maker” box to check for profession.

5. When you DO tell people what you do for a living, they think you are kidding.

6. My father dropped the “ in-law” 16 years ago and simply introduces Bill as his son.

7. Your five-year old thinks a graphite rod belongs in his “Star Wars” toy sword collection.

8. Your infant’s pack and play is wedged under a workbench.

9. As a wife, understanding his need to create and make something with his hands that is an extension of himself and will outlive our time here on earth.

10. When the hatch is on… he is gone!



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